I Finally Got A Blogger Recognition Award!

It’s been over a month ago since I got nominated for this award by Ihuoma of Oma’s Serendipity. To say that I was delighted when I got nominated would be an understatement. I went “Finally!!

I sincerely apologize for just getting around to putting up the post. It had just been sitting in my drafts, and it kept skipping my mind.

Well, now I am here, thank God.

So here are the rules to follow for the award. The answers are further below.


  1. You have to thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog;
  2. You have to write a post to show your award;
  3. Give a brief story of how you started your blog;
  4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers;
  5. Select 15 bloggers you want to give this award to; and
  6. Comment on the blogs of these 15 bloggers and let them know that you have nominated them, providing a link to the post you created.

  1. I was nominated by Ihuoma of Oma’s Serendipity. I think it’s super cool that we are both namesakes. I mean, its hard enough explaining to people that my name isn’t Ifeoma, or Isioma, or Ijeoma, (and don’t even get me started on the pronunciation) but finding someone who shares Ihuoma with me, totally awesome! Thank you so much for this nomination, it means a lot to me.
  2. I guess this post does enough justice to this question.
  3. I started my blog in February, 2017. I initially wanted to post transcripts of my podcast on the blog and leave links to each track on Soundcloud, but I guess God had a different idea. I put my podcast on hold, and I had to get content for the blog. Now with over 400 unique visitors, and almost a thousand views in a little over 3 months, I’d say I didn’t make a bad choice in going against my earlier reason for starting the blog.
  4. My advice for new bloggers would be these; -Be consistent: As much as you can, try to be consistent in your posts. I know that most people have other things they could be involved in which takes up most of their time, but whenever you can, draft as many posts as possible. It would also help to write out a list of as many article topics as possible. This would lessen the stress of having to think up content all the time, you could just work with the topics you have written down. -Quality: People want to see top quality posts, pictures, and any other kind of content. Even if you do not have the latest Canon D whatever camera, they are so many picture and video editing apps you can use to improve your image quality. You might not have an iMac, or a Macbook to  ginger you to write your posts, but your HP Mini laptop could also help you in churning out wonderful posts.
  5. I’m sorry but I will not be nominating 15 people. I know that almost everyone I follow has been nominated for this award, therefore I will be nominating just a few well deserving blogs. Without further ado (drumroll), I nominate: Biola Jinadu of Phenomenal Woman, Deborah of Debs Corner, Janette of Chiclypoised, Adaeze of Emporium of Words, UrbanOversabi of UrbanOversabi, Ore of Next Door Chic, Claire of Claire’s Crafts, Oreoluwa of Oreoluwa Aremo, and Lollybees Life
  6. I guess i’ll have to do this in the comment section of the blogs.

So, there you have it, my Blogger Recognition Award post.

Thank you so much Ihuoma, I totally love you! ♥


Happy New Month in advance,






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  1. Loool oh wow…hun I’m actually just seeing this 💜 I had to go back now double check.
    thanks babes..but I’ve already been nominated 😢


  2. Thanks Ihuoma.
    Do people often ask you about Elechi Amadi’s The Concubine?
    Will get on the tag ASAP, thanks again.


  3. claireyscrafts June 1, 2017 — 11:14 am

    Thanks for the nomination my darling. I have no idea how this works but I see there are rules lol and congrats to you 🙂


  4. Oh my dear Oma, I was actually reading this and smiling when I read the post title…And there to think I would further read below that I was nominated!!!

    I’m blushing green, pink and blue as I type this. Thanks a million, darling. I am glad I made the list of the deserving bloggers. And the advise to new bloggers is everything!

    More milestones girl!

    I have however been nominated for this post before and I shared here http://debwritesblog.com/2016/07/15/blogger-recognition-award/

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